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When Robert Simenson was a child he contracted a blood disease which started progressive kidney damage. Suddenly, as a busy father and information technology manager - working towards his karate 4th degree black belt, Robert was diagnosed in kidney failure. Before this unexpected news, Robert thought he was years away from requiring any serious treatment. After his initial hospital stay Robert’s 18 year old son, Steve, volunteered to donate a kidney to him. Reluctant at first to accept Steve’s life-saving offer, Robert’s diagnosis set a number of critical steps in motion.

My Son’s Gift: Our Journey Through Kidney Transplant Surgery is Robert and Steve’s inspirational story.

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Author Robert Simenson was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. He grew up in Duluth, Southwest Minneapolis, and Lindstrom, Minnesota. Robert earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Minnesota - Duluth and his graduate degree at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul. He supports the National Kidney Foundation by participating in fundraising and advocacy activities.